First of all, Big Bang Massage would like to send our warm greetings and best wishes to the massage king family, always doing well, with money pouring in like water.
Big Bang Massage was established to participate in the largest playground in the country. This is an honor and also a great challenge to be able to serve and bring your family the best relaxation session.
Big Bang Massage is located in area P2, District 5 on the street named Nguyen Bieu, with many pubs and karaoke, very convenient for you to visit the children in the rooms after gathering with friends. warm with special performances.
Big Bang Massage has determined from the beginning to participate in this large massagevua forum, so the Management Board has constantly created, learned and turned everything into reality, with extremely unique designs, modern so that when you arrive, you can instantly be separated from the noise and hustle and bustle outside, replaced by a more gentle, relaxing space.
Big Bang Massage would like to send you some pictures of the rooms so that you can more easily visualize when you come to the facility.
HAPPY HOUR (10:00 a.m. - 00:00 a.m.) 50% off
Thai ticket price
70 minutes of steam bath, dry sauna, hot stone compress for guests, use of specialized oil and V1 massage.. - Relax once, sexy 50%. Especially with CIA (when telling the KTV in advance)
350000VND -
Anger 900
90 minutes Bath, Thai Massage: use hot stone to apply to the customer's back, use oil and Thai Massage, Yes 69 - Relax once. Special Especially with CIA (when telling KTV in advance)
450000VND -
110 minutes. 70 minutes
600000VND -
120 minutes 120' + TG Infinity + 2 KTV + 69 + Nuru + 100% sexy + applies Special room for 2 to 3 people, Special There is CIA (when talking to the KTV in advance)
215 - 217 Nguyễn Biểu, Phường 2, Quận 5, Tp. Hồ Chí MInh, Phường 2, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Hồ Chí Minh 700000, Vietnam Get directions
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