
SwanPass doesn’t list escorts on this website. We’ve partnered with Smooci so you can meet the hottest escorts on a modern, convenient, and safe website.

Live bookings, reviews, customer service, and the girls actually look like their pictures! We highly recommend using them.


What is Smooci?

Smooci is a next generation escort directory platform which allows genuine clients to quickly connect with the trustworthy agencies and independent escorts.

Smooci is the first escort directory to bring a genuinely live search and booking system. When you search for escorts in your area you will receive live results of escorts available to book immediately. When you place a booking request it is instantly sent to the companion or agency and you’ll receive a confirmation or decline within 10 mins (typically within 3 minutes).

Smooci companions are held to high standards; we work hard to ensure all companions are of legal and age and are working of their own free will. We vet and monitor agencies using our platform to ensure they also meet our high standards and ethics. And we offer several layers of verification and community feedback to quickly stop and eradicate any potential scams or deception.

Smooci’s verified rating and review system also offers clients and companions a trustworthy way of receiving accurate information, helping both parties make an informed and safer choice when placing and accepting bookings.
