What kind of girls do you want to dress? Change the style you want.
Tell the shop to be the girl that you want.
Change the mood to be bustling with the style of girls.
Just heard it, whether it's
Maid costume
Pajamas don't sleep
Santy dress
Air hostess set
Student uniform
Japanese school uniform
Qipao dress
Just heard that what kind of do you want to inform the shop?
And don't worry, the used kit cleaned that day.
There is no reuse.
Full Service Model
75 minutes
2000THB -
Full Service Super Model
75 minutes
277 Chok Chai Chong Charoen, Khwaeng Bang Phong Phang, Khet Yan Nawa, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon 10120, Thailand Get directions
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